Simple English Essays/ Contoh Karangan Bahasa Inggeris Mudah/ Sekolah Rendah. Tahun/ Year 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Tingkatan/ Form 1, 2, 3. pdf download KBAT. UASA KSSR. Sekolah Menengah. Primary School. Secondary School. (1/3)
Koleksi Contoh Karangan Bahasa Inggeris Mudah (Simple English Essays), Sekolah Rendah
Essay on My Best Friend – 7 Selected Essays on My Best Friend
A Birthday Celebration You Enjoyed
A Day I Wished Had Never Happened
A Holiday I Would Never Forget
A Popular Tourist Spot That I Have Visited
A Road Accident You Witnessed Essay
A Speech Of “The Disadvantages of smoking and Tips to stop Smoking”
A Visit To SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)
Accusation Of Stealing (Story)
Activities During The Year – The Caring Club of SMK (Report)
Addicted To Computer Games Essay
Advise Your Cousin On How To Lose Weight (Informal Letter)
An Accident That Made Me Unhappy
Anti-Smoking Campaign (Speech)
Better To Be Safe Than Sorry Essay
Caning Is An Old-Fashioned Way Of Disciplining Students (Speech)
Cell phones – One of Our Greatest Technologies Misused
Debate: “Advertisements Do More Good Than Harm”
Deepavali Celebration (Informal Letter)
Describe An Afternoon At The Bus Station
Descriptive Essays Describe What You Understand About Success and Explain Why
Directed Writing (Speech) : Obesity
‘Do Not Judge a Book By Its Cover’. Describe An Experience When This Was True For You.
50 Contoh Karangan Bahasa Inggeris Sekolah Rendah
Drug Abuse: Problems And Solutions
Essay on Helping Mother In The Kitchen
Essay on Mother’s Day In English For School Kids and Children Mother’s
Experience of Being In A Busy City
Experience of Waiting For A Bus At A Bus Station
Formal Letter: Complaint About Unsatisfactory Food And Restaurant Service
Frightened By A Snake On A Tree
Frightful Movements In The Bush
Haze: A Danger To Health (Directed Writing)
Helping A Handicapped Man Essay
Helping A Little Lost Girl Essay
Honesty Is The Best Policy (Story)
Honesty Is The Best Policy Essay
How To Avoid Being A Victim Of Cyberbullying Essay
How To Defend Your Homes From Burglars (Speech)
How To Develop Reading Skill In Children
How To Do Well In Examination (Informal Letter)
How To Reduce Air Pollution Essay
How You Can Save The Environment Essay
In What Ways Can People of Your Age Do To Improve Life In Your Country?
Informal Letter (Directed Writing)
Informal Letter (Visit To Pulau Langkawi)
Informal Letter: Write A Letter To Your Mother Asking For Some Money
Leading A Healthy Lifestyle (Speech)
Letter Of Application (Directed Formal Letter)
Letter Of Complain (Formal Letter)
Letter Of Complaint (Stray Dogs)
Letter Of Complaint: Hygiene Conditions At Hawker Centre
Letter Of Complaint: Request For Broken Item Replacement
Letter To Newspapers: Expressing Concern On Child Abuse
Making Use of Bottles As Decorative Items (Speech)
My Daily Routine Free School (English Essay)
My Most Embarrassing Situation
My Most Unforgettable Character
Police Report On Accident (Directed Writing)
Report (Problems In School Library)
Report To Principal – Complaint About School Canteen
Rescued By A Mobile Phone Essay
River Pollutio (Formal Letter)
Safety Tips When Going To School
Short Essay on Advantages And Disadvantages Of Computers
Should Do’s And Should Not Do’s To Keep The School Clean, Hygienic and Safe
Should School Students Be Given a Mobile Phone Discuss
Single Session School – Advantages and Disadvantages
Speech: Love Your Environment Campaign
The Beauty Of Malaysia (Essay)
The Benefits of Taking Up Hobbies (Speech)
The Conservation Of Our Natural Forests (Speech)
The Importance of Eating More Fruits and Vegetables
The Importance Of Examinations
The Importance Of Making Friends
The Importance Of Studying English
The Importance Of Studying English
The Importance Of Studying The English Language (Speech)
The Important Of Obeying School Regulations (Speech)
The Important Of Reading (Speech)
The Malaysian Tradition Of Having Open Houses Is Important And Should
Tips On How To Improve Your Reading Habit
Useful Ways To Spend Leisure Time
Ways To Maintain A Good Health
What Would You Do If You Had A Lot Of Money
Which Do You Prefer, Living in The Countryside or Living In The City? (City)
Which Do You Prefer, Living in The Countryside or Living in The City? (Countryside)
Why School Children Should Have Hobbies (Speech)
Why Should We Have Good Manners ?
Write a Story That Ends With’… Aaah! What a Nice Life It Has Been.’
Improve Your English : Frequently Confused Words (1)
Improve Your English : Frequently Confused Words (2)
Improve Your English : Frequently Confused Words (3)
Improve Your English : Frequently Confused Words (4)
Improve Your English : Frequently Confused Words (5)
Improve Your Spelling: Frequently Misspelled Words (1)
Improve Your Spelling: Frequently Misspelled Words (2)
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Terima Kasih kerana membaca post ini.
mohon soalan
can u send me some essays
how to make form 1 paragraph with correctly?
1 paragraph it is started with introduction 🙂
nak lihat contoh karangan bahasa inggeris mudah.
plis sharee……………..huuuuuu
harap-harap dapat A ..
English tahun ni..
tinggal 11 hari lagi..
good luck..
Harap2 dpt mrkh yg terbaik UPSR pd thn ni.Tinggal 2 ari je lgy…. mungkin a mase lgy nk bace semuanye….. 🙂
haraharap dapat d tahun ni
terima kasih atas krgn-2 tu semua , i hope i will get straight A in upsr , only 1 day left ,
mohon soalan
thanks bagi idea to me and i know now how to make essay 🙂
xoxo D publish
Hrap dpt a dlm bi ny.. nk exm lg 1 ary g.. Flying colours!
Nak soalan hari ni nak ujian
i like this essay…….it help me eveything….i score A IN ENGLISH/….
hrap2 aq dapat bi A
hope exam dpt A
Aamiin,,doakan sy gak dlm PPMR
takut nak jwb BI esok
Same le saye pun takut …. janji kite mencube … SCORE A YE … …..
Saya nak soalan yg mudah dan saya nak tengok soalan boleh ulgkaji umah
Takut nk jawab soalan karangan bi
boleh x bagi saye karangan english myself simple
Nak karangan tajuk karangan semasa cuti sekolah
Mcmcaam naa” ok” tk” ok
It’s been too long after my last visit at my grandpa village. I used to live here for 10 years and then i fly to Africa to continue study at oversea,during in 10 years living in that village it leave so many memories that will live forever within my life. My grandpa in not here anymore,he passed away after had heart attack two years ago,it’s been hard time for me to accept the fact he’s gone forever. I was still in Africa during that time,all i can do for him is pray and recall all our memories in past.
I have passed and graduated. I am now successful man with excellent life and have good job,still it’s not enough to fill my empty loneliness. Day by day i felt there are some spot in my life is not complete yet,it’s haunting me and effect my life but no one know about it. Since the silence of loneliness has reached the limits and i have decided to visit my grandpa village to end my miserable situation.
20 years has passed and i am now at my grandpa house,all the memories now merge inside me. I’m getting older now as the time for me right now getting short and the legs are heavy to move around and playing with my only grandson. Her parent died on car crash,it’s me on he depend now. The life is cruel but we know it’s not our decision to rule things like we want. I gave him all my loved to ensure he won’t feel piece of loneliness losing person we care and loved.
i am sure it is a best essay for me!
alhamdulillah exam baru-baru ni saye dpt A bi syukur alhamdulillah
Saye bce smla spya saye lbh fhm.
Oh no! Sekolah saya nak buat ujian minggu depan..harap2 krngan English bleh wat…..
buat sebaik mungkin
senang yer ade karangan nie
saye lemah dalam karangan bi
saya lemah dalam karangan english section c.tapi kalau baca karangan ni mudah saya buat dalam peperiksaan.tq
saye lemah dalam karangan bi……
saya pun lemah dalam bi,saya harap nanti ujian bi karangan saya boleh jawab dengan betul.
i like it
nasib baik jmpe…
Pray for 5A in UPSR..
insya allah
thanks for your fail!!!!!!!!saya selalu dpt 70 lebih kdg2 72 gitu jewk tk tinggi pon.hurmm.apakan daya.:3.=<.~.~
Pray for english i A ok…I slalu fail dpt 50 ke atas skit je kn.. lemah
sangat tul x
just relax.. berape ari je tinggal nk upsr
harap dapat straight A
nk karangan yg terbaik
Harap-harap ape yg saye belajar ni ok la. Berdoalah supaya sya dpt A dlm karangan BI
doakan saya dapat 5a…….amin
so good
panjang2 karangan dya..!!
best essay in this webs1te
Tolong saye cikgu suruh buat essay about myself BI tapi saye x dapat isi…kene lebih seratus patah perkataan
score A je…..
Boleh tak sent kn contoh karangan “City Life , Kampong Life”
Harap dapat lulus english pada tahu depan…
ya allah aku mohon untuk mendapat UPSR B.INGLISH
english pt3 thn dpn mesti susah.huu….:-(
x susah klau kita mencuba
Harap² bila upsr dpt wat yg trbaik mcm ni
harap harap dapat A bi BK8 nanti
mohd syharul nizam bin suardin
harap harap dapat a bi bk8 nanti
harap-harap dapat 5a dalam UPSR
saya berharap mendapat 5a di dalam upsr
Saya hrp dpt A dlm upsr… doakan sya
senang la ada contoh karangan nie.saya lemah BI thanks sbb bagi contoh nie
Good ?
Tolong ajar saye macam mane nak buat karangan dlm bahasa inggeris..satu perenggan..
good luck for your exam tomorrow!!?
saya dah habis periksa ….tapi bagi periksa tu susah sikit
lagi susah format baru
pra upsr semalam -khamis ni
sekarang upsr dah 6A dah bukan 5A
semoga berjayaa alls
Tolong doakan semua calon UPSR berjaya mendapat 6A
I like…..
very good…?
kami doakan upsr nanti berjaya.
Lagi dua hari lagi Sya nak oral Inggeris nii
susah nk buat copy essay.nasib baik ada blog ni nk paste
Markah penulisan BI saya selalunya 52 C% saya nak tingkatkan lagi…harap harap dapat 6A upsr amin..
This essay is very easy and has good content
Senang untuk jawab
senang sangat
Those essays are amazing.
those essay was amazing